Understanding RAF is Difficult

The Road Accident Fund provides important and valuable cover to the benefit of all South African road users. But to get get the most value you’ll need to arm yourself with knowledge about the RAF and its workings. RAF FACT is our attempt to help you become a RAF expert now.

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The Tricky Road Accident Fund

You have appointed an attorney and your Road Accident Fund (RAF) journey is underway.

But what next?

The RAF claims process is long and often confusing.

Family researching the Road Accident Fund in order to get the best outcome for them and their families

❓ There are difficult-to-understand concepts is confusing legal language
❓ Long timelines with uncertainty if any progress is being made
❓ Poor communication and a feeling of being left in the dark
❓ Constant bad news surrounding RAF in the media
❓ Intimidating medical examinations

The underlying question you can’t shake – is my claim on track to receive the best outcome possible?

Common RAF Questions

These are questions we get asked all the time – and attempt to answer in our newsletter

RAF FACT is the free newsletter that’s about empowering you through regular updates and education.


RAF Law Fact Logo

We’re here to tell you not to stress. We have you covered.

RAF FACT is the free newsletter that’s about empowering you through regular updates and education.

πŸ’‘ Understand what to expect as your claim progresses
πŸ’‘ Learn about each stage of the RAF claiming process in a simple and straightforward way
πŸ’‘ Get regular updates on changes at RAF and how they might affect your claim
πŸ’‘ Learn insights into the court process and how the motor vehicle accident law is developing

Sign up for the FREE RAF FACT newsletter and stay informed on navigating the Road Accident Fund process effectively.


How it Works

1️⃣ Complete the form

2️⃣ Receive regular updates on Whatsapp and email

Features & Benefits


Become part of a community of 5,000+ other RAF claimants


Complimentary. On the house. Zero. Nothing. Zilch, Zip, Nada!

Easy to Understand

No fancy jargon.

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Leave whenever you want


Access RAF related special offers

Client Testimonials

β€œThe best way to learn everything you need to know about the Road Accident Fund”
Client testimonial photograph
β€œIf only the RAF website was as helpful”
Client testimonial photograph
β€œThis RAF newsletter gave me information that helped when I had to take my father for his medical examinations.”
Client testimonial photograph

As Featured In


RAF FACT is a free newsletter designed to empower you with regular updates and education about the Road Accident Fund. It aims to simplify the RAF claims process and keep you informed about changes and developments.

RAF FACT provides insights into each stage of the RAF claiming process in a simple and straightforward way, including regular updates on changes at RAF and their potential impact on your claim.

A good MVA Attorney should have specialist experience in RAF cases, a track record of winning large claims, a strong support team, access to top medical experts and advocates, ethical practice, insurance against fund misappropriation, dignity and respect in client treatment, fair pricing, and excellent communication skills.

No, RAF FACT is a free service offering updates and education on the RAF claiming process.

No. Your details are encrypted, secured and never shared.

We hate spam too!

Every communication will have a link in the footer to unsubscribe.

You can unsubscribe at any time.

Common issues include complex legal language, long and uncertain timelines, poor communication, negative media coverage, and intimidating medical examinations.

Yes, RAF FACT can still provide valuable information and updates about the RAF claiming process, which can be beneficial even if you are already working with an attorney.

You will receive updates about each stage of the RAF claiming process, changes at RAF that might affect your claim, and insights into the court process and motor vehicle accident law.

We aim to send the newsletter weekly.

However, we aim to only send valuable content. In the event we don’t have enough insightful information we’d rather

Zero. RAF FACT is a free service.