Woman pointing at a clock emphasizing the importance of prescription periods for RAF claims

Prescription Periods for Road Accident Fund (RAF) Claims in South Africa

Learn about prescription periods for RAF claims in South Africa and how to secure your compensation on time with our detailed guide and useful RAF Prescription Calculator.

Table of Contents

Navigating the Road Accident Fund (RAF) claims process can be daunting, especially when it comes to understanding the prescription periods, which determine the time frame within which you must lodge your claim.

Missing the critical deadlines for filing a Road Accident Fund (RAF) claim can cost you dearly.Β 

Our comprehensive guide breaks down everything you need to know about RAF prescription periods, special rules for minors and the mentally disabled, and introduces a powerful tool to check your claim’s validity.Β 

Don’t miss out!

Here’s what you need to know.

General Prescription Period

For most RAF claims, the prescription period is three years from the date of the accident.Β 

This applies to incidents involving identified vehicles where the identity of the driver or owner is known.Β 

It’s essential to lodge your claim within this three-year window; otherwise, you risk losing the right to claim compensation entirely.

Statutory Reference: Section 23 of the Road Accident Fund Act 56 of 1996 stipulates that the prescription period for identified vehicles is three years from the date of the accident.

What is Prescription, and why it matters in your RAF case

Prescription refers to the legal limitation period within which a claim must be filed.Β 

According to the Prescription Act 68 of 1969, once this period elapses, the right to enforce the claim expires, effectively barring any legal action.Β 

In the context of Road Accident Fund (RAF) claims in South Africa, prescription is crucial as it defines the time frame within which accident victims must lodge their claims to seek compensation.Β 

For identified vehicles, this period is three years from the date of the accident, while for unidentified vehicles, it is two years.Β 

Special provisions extend these periods for minors and individuals with mental disabilities.Β 

Exceptions for Minors and Persons with Mental Disabilities

Special considerations are in place for minors and individuals with mental disabilities. For minors, the prescription period does not commence until they reach the age of 18.Β 

Similarly, for those with mental disabilities, the prescription period only begins once the disability ceases.Β 

These exceptions ensure that vulnerable individuals are given adequate time to pursue their claims.

Statutory Reference: Section 23(2) of the Road Accident Fund Act 56 of 1996 provides for the suspension of prescription for minors and persons with mental disabilities.

Young boy with crutches emphasizing the importance of RAF claim prescription periods for minors

Claims Involving Unknown or Unidentified Vehicles

For accidents involving unidentified vehicles, often referred to as hit-and-run incidents, the prescription period is shorter. In these cases, you must lodge your claim within two years from the date of the accident.Β 

Failing to do so within this timeframe will result in the loss of your right to claim.

Statutory Reference: Regulation 2(3) of the Road Accident Fund Regulations, 2008, prescribes a two-year period for claims involving unidentified vehicles.

Finalizing Claims

Even after successfully lodging a claim within the prescribed period, it is vital to follow through and finalize the claim, either through settlement or court proceedings, within five years from the date of the accident.Β 

If the claim is not finalized within this extended period, it may also prescribe, leading to a loss of potential compensation.

Statutory Reference: Section 23(3) of the Road Accident Fund Act 56 of 1996 specifies that claims must be finalized within five years from the date of the accident.

Judge's gavel representing the legal aspects of RAF claim prescription periods

Case Law Examples

  1. Santam Bpk v Ethwar (1999) 2 All SA 172 (A): This case highlighted the importance of adhering to the three-year prescription period for identified vehicles and emphasized that ignorance of the prescription period is not a valid excuse for failing to lodge a claim in time.
  2. Mdeyide v Road Accident Fund (2008) 1 SA 535 (CC): The Constitutional Court confirmed that prescription periods are constitutionally valid and necessary to ensure the efficient operation of the RAF, while also acknowledging the need for exceptions for vulnerable individuals such as minors and persons with mental disabilities.
Tools and calculator representing the RAF Prescription Calculator for checking claim validity

RAF Prescription Calculator

Introducing the RAF Prescription Calculator – a simple tool designed to help you determine if your Road Accident Fund (RAF) claim is still valid.Β 

Enter the date of your accident and whether the vehicle was identified to instantly check your claim’s prescription status and ensure you don’t miss out on the compensation you deserve.

RAF Claim Validity Calculator

RAF Claim Validity Calculator


The RAF Prescription Calculator is a tool designed to assist users in estimating the validity of their Road Accident Fund (RAF) claims based on the date of the accident and whether the vehicle involved was identified. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, the results generated by this calculator are for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice.

The calculator’s accuracy is dependent on the data inputted by the user and is based on general prescription periods as outlined in the Road Accident Fund Act 56 of 1996 and related regulations. Users are strongly advised to consult with a qualified legal professional to verify the applicability of these prescription periods to their specific circumstances and to receive personalized legal advice.

RAF Cash, its owners, employees, and affiliates are not liable for any inaccuracies, errors, or omissions in the information provided by the calculator or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. By using this calculator, you acknowledge and agree that RAF Cash is not responsible for any losses or damages resulting from your use of the information provided.

For comprehensive legal advice and assistance with your RAF claim, please consult with a qualified attorney or legal expert.

Example Case Studies


Case Study: Identified Vehicle Claim

On the evening of January 1, 2020, John was driving home from work when he was involved in a car accident. The other vehicle involved was driven by a known driver, and all necessary details were exchanged at the scene. Although John was shaken and suffered some injuries, he decided to focus on his recovery before considering the legal steps necessary to lodge a claim with the Road Accident Fund (RAF).


As the months passed, John gathered all the required documentation, including medical reports, police reports, and witness statements. However, with the pressures of daily life and his recovery process, the task of filing the RAF claim kept getting postponed. As the three-year prescription period approached, John realized the urgency of the situation. Determined not to lose his right to compensation, he gathered all his documents and filed his RAF claim on December 31, 2022, just within the three-year prescription period.


Thanks to his timely action, John’s claim was accepted by the RAF. The documentation he had meticulously collected and the fact that he lodged the claim within the prescribed time frame ensured that he was eligible for the compensation he deserved. This decision proved crucial in securing the financial support needed for his recovery and ongoing medical expenses.

Man reviewing documents in bed, emphasizing the importance of timely RAF claims

Case Study: Unidentified Vehicle Claim

In a different part of the city, on March 15, 2021, Sarah experienced a harrowing event when she was involved in a hit-and-run accident. The vehicle that struck her sped away, leaving her injured and in shock. With no identifiable information about the other driver or vehicle, Sarah faced the daunting task of filing a claim for an unidentified vehicle with the RAF.


Despite the trauma, Sarah knew that the prescription period for unidentified vehicle claims was only two years. She immediately reported the accident to the police and sought medical attention, ensuring that all necessary documentation was in place. Sarah understood the importance of acting swiftly, given the shorter prescription period for hit-and-run incidents.


As the two-year deadline approached, Sarah remained vigilant. On March 14, 2023, just one day before the prescription period ended, she submitted her RAF claim. Her proactive approach and attention to the prescription period paid off. The RAF accepted her claim, acknowledging that it was filed within the required time frame. This acceptance was a significant relief for Sarah, as it ensured she would receive the necessary compensation to cover her medical bills and support her during her recovery.


These case studies illustrate the critical importance of understanding and adhering to the prescription periods for RAF claims. Whether dealing with identified or unidentified vehicles, timely action is essential to securing the compensation needed after a road accident.

Woman stressed while reviewing documents, emphasizing the complexity of RAF claims

The Impact of Prescription on the Claims Process and the Importance of Acting Swiftly

Prescription periods play a crucial role in the Road Accident Fund (RAF) claims process, significantly impacting claimants’ ability to secure compensation. Here’s how prescription influences the overall claims process and why it’s essential to act promptly:

The Role of Prescription in the Claims Process

  1. Legal Deadline for Filing Claims:
    • Prescription periods establish a strict legal deadline within which claims must be lodged. For identified vehicles, this period is three years from the date of the accident, and for unidentified vehicles (hit-and-run incidents), it is two years.
  2. Loss of Right to Claim:
    • If a claim is not filed within the prescribed period, the claimant loses the legal right to seek compensation from the RAF. This means that no matter the severity of the injuries or the legitimacy of the claim, it will not be considered if lodged after the prescription period.
  3. Efficiency and Fairness:
    • Prescription periods promote efficiency and fairness in the claims process by encouraging timely filing. This helps ensure that evidence is fresh, witnesses are available, and the details of the accident are still clear.
Group of professionals discussing around a table, emphasizing collaboration in RAF claims

Importance of Acting Swiftly

  1. Securing Compensation:
    • Acting swiftly to lodge a claim within the prescribed period is essential for securing the compensation you deserve. Delaying the process increases the risk of missing the deadline and forfeiting your right to claim.
  2. Avoiding Common Pitfalls:
    • Many claimants miss out on compensation due to a lack of awareness about prescription periods or delays in gathering necessary documentation. By acting quickly, you can avoid these common pitfalls and ensure your claim is processed efficiently.
  3. Preserving Evidence:
    • The sooner you file your claim, the easier it is to gather and preserve crucial evidence such as medical reports, accident details, and witness statements. Timely evidence collection strengthens your claim and increases the likelihood of a favorable outcome.
  4. Reducing Stress and Uncertainty:
    • Filing a claim promptly reduces the stress and uncertainty associated with the claims process. It allows you to focus on recovery and rehabilitation, knowing that your claim is being handled within the required legal framework.
  5. Navigating Legal Complexities:
    • The RAF claims process involves various legal complexities and procedural requirements. Starting early provides ample time to seek legal advice, complete necessary documentation, and address any issues that may arise during the process.
Man running against time, symbolizing the urgency of RAF claim deadlines

Understanding the impact of prescription periods on the RAF claims process and the importance of acting swiftly cannot be overstated.Β 

By filing your claim within the prescribed deadlines, you protect your right to compensation, ensure the availability of crucial evidence, and navigate the legal complexities with greater ease.Β 

Acting promptly not only enhances the efficiency of the claims process but also reduces the risk of losing out on the compensation you deserve.

If you have been involved in a road accident and are considering filing a claim with the RAF, do not delay.Β 

Seek legal advice, gather the necessary documentation, and lodge your claim as soon as possible to ensure your rights are protected and your claim is processed within the required timeframe.

Infographic explaining RAF claim prescription periods including general prescription, exceptions for minors, unidentified vehicle claims, and finalizing claims
Infographic detailing the prescription periods for RAF claims, highlighting the importance of timely filing to secure compensation.

How Prescription Can Be Interrupted for RAF Claims

In the context of Road Accident Fund (RAF) claims in South Africa, the concept of prescription refers to the period within which a claimant must lodge their claim to secure compensation.Β 

However, there are specific scenarios and legal actions that can interrupt or suspend the prescription period, thereby extending the time available to lodge a claim.Β 

Understanding these interruptions is crucial for ensuring that claimants do not lose their right to compensation due to prescription.Β 

Here’s how prescription can be interrupted for RAF claims:


1. Acknowledgement of Debt by the RAF

If the RAF acknowledges its liability or the debt owed to the claimant, this acknowledgment can interrupt the prescription period.Β 

The prescription period will then start anew from the date of acknowledgment.


  • If the RAF sends a letter acknowledging the validity of the claim or makes a partial payment, the prescription period is interrupted and restarts from the date of that acknowledgment.
Acknowledgment text on a torn paper background, emphasizing the concept of acknowledgment in RAF claims

2. Legal Proceedings

Instituting legal proceedings against the RAF can also interrupt the prescription period. This includes:

  • Filing a summons or initiating a court case.
  • Lodging a formal dispute or complaint that results in a legal process.

Once legal proceedings are initiated, the prescription period is paused until the matter is resolved or a court decision is made.


  • If a claimant files a summons within the original prescription period, the prescription is interrupted, and the claim will proceed through the legal system.


3. Minors and Persons with Mental Disabilities

For minors (individuals under the age of 18) and persons with mental disabilities, the prescription period is suspended.Β 

For minors, prescription only starts running when they turn 18. For persons with mental disabilities, the prescription period starts running once they are no longer mentally disabled.


  • If a minor is involved in a road accident, the prescription period begins on their 18th birthday, giving them until they turn 21 to lodge a claim for identified vehicles.
Two friends laughing, emphasizing support for individuals with disabilities in RAF claims

4. Judicial Interruption

Judicial interruption occurs when a court intervenes to suspend the prescription period.Β 

This can happen in cases where the court deems it necessary to extend the prescription period due to special circumstances or delays that are beyond the claimant’s control.


  • A court may order the suspension of the prescription period if there is evidence that the claimant was prevented from lodging the claim due to extraordinary circumstances, such as being misled by incorrect information from the RAF.


5. Agreements Between Parties

In some cases, the RAF and the claimant may enter into an agreement to extend the prescription period.Β 

This typically occurs during settlement negotiations or when both parties agree to additional time to resolve the claim amicably.


  • If both the RAF and the claimant agree in writing to extend the prescription period while they negotiate a settlement, the prescription period is interrupted as per the terms of their agreement.
Close-up of a handshake, symbolizing settlement agreement and trust in RAF claims process

Understanding the scenarios that can interrupt the prescription period for RAF claims is crucial for claimants to protect their rights to compensation.Β 

Acknowledgment of debt by the RAF, initiating legal proceedings, specific protections for minors and persons with mental disabilities, judicial intervention, and mutual agreements between parties are all mechanisms that can extend the time available to lodge a claim.

If you believe that your claim is at risk of prescribing or if you need assistance in navigating these interruptions, seeking professional legal advice is recommended.Β 

Acting promptly and understanding your rights can help ensure that your claim is processed within the legal framework and that you receive the compensation you deserve.

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Understanding and adhering to the prescription periods for RAF claims is critical to securing the compensation you deserve. Whether your claim involves an identified or unidentified vehicle, or special circumstances such as being a minor or having a mental disability, ensuring you lodge your claim within the appropriate time frame is paramount. If you have any uncertainties or need assistance with your RAF claim, seeking professional legal advice can provide the guidance needed to navigate this complex process effectively.

By staying informed and proactive, you can protect your rights and ensure your claim is processed within the required deadlines.

Did you know…

In South Africa, Road Accident Fund (RAF) claims prescribe, or expire, after a specific period if no claim has been lodged. The prescription periods are as follows:

  1. General Prescription Period:
    • 3 years from the date of the accident: For claims involving identified vehicles where the identity of the driver or owner is known.
    • If no claim is lodged within this three-year period, the right to claim is lost.
  2. Exception for Minors and Persons with Mental Disabilities:
    • Prescription does not run for minors or persons with mental disabilities until the minor reaches the age of 18 or the disability ceases.
  3. Claims Involving Unknown or Unidentified Vehicles:
    • 2 years from the date of the accident: For claims involving unidentified vehicles (hit-and-run incidents).
    • If no claim is lodged within this two-year period, the right to claim is lost.
  4. Finalization of Claims:
    • Even after lodging a claim within the prescribed periods, the claim must be finalized (settled or taken to court) within 5 years from the date of accident. If not, the claim may also prescribe.


It’s crucial to lodge a claim promptly and follow up to ensure all procedural requirements are met to avoid losing the right to compensation.

Frequently Asked Questions

The prescription period for identified vehicles is three years from the date of the accident.

Yes, for minors, the prescription period starts when they turn 18. For individuals with mental disabilities, it begins once the disability ceases.

The prescription period for unidentified vehicle claims (hit-and-run incidents) is two years from the date of the accident.

Yes, it can be interrupted by acknowledgment of debt by the RAF, legal proceedings, judicial intervention, and agreements between parties.

If you miss the deadline, you lose the right to claim compensation from the RAF.

You must finalize your claim (settled or taken to court) within five years from the date of the accident.

Essential documents include medical reports, police reports, and witness statements.

The RAF Prescription Calculator is a tool that helps you determine if your claim is still valid by checking the prescription status based on the date of the accident and whether the vehicle was identified.

Seek professional legal advice to ensure your claim is lodged within the required time frame and to understand your rights and options.


Prescription Period: The time limit within which a claim must be lodged.

Identified Vehicle: A vehicle involved in an accident where the driver or owner is known.

Unidentified Vehicle: A vehicle involved in an accident where the driver or owner is not known, often in hit-and-run cases.

Minors: Individuals under the age of 18.

Mental Disabilities: Conditions affecting mental capacity, impacting the ability to make legal decisions.

Acknowledgment of Debt: An official recognition by the RAF that they owe the claimant compensation.

Judicial Interruption: A court-ordered suspension of the prescription period due to special circumstances.

Legal Proceedings: The process of taking legal action, such as filing a summons or initiating a court case.

Settlement: An agreement between parties to resolve a claim without going to court.

Court Proceedings: The formal process of taking a claim to court for resolution.

Statutory Reference: A specific law or regulation cited as the source of legal authority.

Regulation: A rule or directive made and maintained by an authority.

Claim Finalization: The completion of a claim process, either through settlement or court judgment.

Claim Lodging: The act of officially submitting a claim for compensation.

Compensation: Money awarded to someone as a recompense for loss, injury, or suffering.



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